
Monday, June 9, 2014

Raving Gob Stuffing! (Pt. 1)

Happy Monday!

My goodness it's been a busy couple of weeks! I seriously have had next to zero time to devote to the stitchy world. Between house work and actual workplace work, I've been flat out. Needless to say, when I opened my blog reading list and it said I had over 500 unread posts I realized just how much catching up I've got to do.

I did however get a little bit of time to spend in the kitchen :) One of my favourite things to do. As with any hobby, I find I go through spurts of feeling like spending lots of time in the kitchen whipping up something to feed the gob. 

But, BOY, have I ever been on a roll over the last few days. I contribute it all to discovering a new cooking show called Heartland Table. I am now totally and completely in love with everything that Chef Amy Thielen creates. I have never seen a show or read a single cook book where I think I would actually make and eat everything they make. I may LOVE Jamie Oliver for example, but some of his stuff I could take or leave. But this is NOT the case with Ms. Thielen's creations. Everything I have seen her make so far I could gobble down in a second. 

So I spent the last couple of weekends trying some of her creations plus a few extras! I've posted links to the recipes for those that may be a little tempted ;) 

There's far too much to show you in one post so expect a follow up!

For the sake of this foodie post I'm going to show you an amazing appetizer and flavourful (and nutty) dessert. 

Sometimes I actually think I could just eat an appetizer and follow that with dessert and I would be one happy woman. But then again, when you have a show stopping entrée, well WHO would want to miss that. (I loved it sooooo much I'm devoting pt.2 to it!)

First up is Amy Thielen's Fried Onion Dip

Of course, if you're like me, anything involving onions, butter and a fry pan is an equation for success.

Goodness, just look at those caramelized pieces of heaven! I can almost smell them now, even though the dip has long since been devoured...

Seriously, this is one quick and awesome dip. The best part about it? You eat it warm! It's not one of those "cover and refrigerate for 2 hrs" kinda dips. It is tasty cold as well, the flavours I found intensified after a night spent in the fridge. However, I found that I needed to let it rest at room temp for about a half hour before eating because it tends to become more solid when chilled. 

Now onto dessert (Yup skipping the entree for now folks - watch for my next post!)

I hinted previously that dessert would be of the nutty variety. To be exact it's Ree Drummond's Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie.

NO BAKING! Can I just announce that again? THIS PIE DOES NOT NEED TO BE BAKED!

When I heard that I instantly put it on the "to-make list."

As if all this and the thought of peanut butter didn't already have you hooked (I'm a lover obviously), this pie also involves making an oreo crust (which does, in fact, need 5 minutes in the oven but that doesn't really count as baking does it????)

Oh no... my stomach is starting to grumble!

Put whipped peanut butter fluffiness and crispy crunchy oreo crust together and you have a miracle in a pie dish.

Yes - You want this NOW!

Now go feed your gob and come back in a day or two for the next foodie installement :)

Happy cooking!



  1. Oh my goodness, both of those look so good... I'll definitely have to put them on my to-try list! :D

  2. Both of these recipes are making me very hungry!!!!

  3. I'll have you know that I buy caramelized onion dip. This is one recipe that I will have to try.
    Looks great! And I LOVE The Pioneer Woman recipes too. I cracked up at what you said about Jamie Oliver. I adore Jamie and many of his recipes I've substituted the main ingredients like Turkey for Duck! Anyways thank you for sharing. Now I need to record Heartland Table shows!
    love Annette

  4. Stop it!!! That dip looks amazing!! Those onions are divine!!!! Can't wait to see the entree.

  5. Oh lord. So so so so so so hungry now. *gulp*

  6. Thank you for this beautiful post and you have been really doing great things with your blog, Did anyone here know that medical scientists have discovered a new way to battle hiv aids by using a man called dr itua. My name is Maria Lucia from California.i saw a comment on positive blogs and i will love to tell everybody how my status changes to negative and i got cured, and am now a living witness of it and i think it's a shame on me if i don't share this lovely story with other people infected with this deadly virus. hiv has been ongoing in my family, i lost both parents to hiv. and it is so much pain I've not been able to get over. As we all know medically there is no solution to it..and medication is very expensive..so someone introduced me to a herbal practitioner in africa, i had a job there to execute so i took time to check out on him.i showed him all my tests and results. I was already disorganized with hiv and it was already taking its toll on me..
    I had spent thousands of dollars so I decided to try him out. Although I didn't believe in it, I was just trying it out of frustration? and after 14 days, he told me to go for a medical test. and you won't believe that 5 different doctors confirmed that I am negative..it was like a dream,,I never believed hiv has a cure..am now negative, am a living witness..i don't know how to thank this man? I just want to help others in any way I can. I have joined many forums and have posted these testimonies and a lot of people have emailed and called this man on the phone and after 14 days they all confirmed negative. BBC news took it live and everybody saw it and it's now out in papers and magazines that there is a herbal cure for HIV and all with the help of this man, if you wish to take it or not.god knows i have tried my best. About 28 people have been confirmed negative through the herbal cure of dr itua and they send mails to thank me after they have been confirmed negative,,this man is real..don't miss this chance,,hiv is a deadly virus,,get rid of it now. if there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way out, his email still remains drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com or call or whatsapp him on +2348149277967 doctor itua can as well cure the following disease:- hiv/aids, herpes,cancer, als,hepatitis b,diabetes or visit his herbs store https://drituaherbalcenter.com/shop/
    thanks moderators


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