
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Power of Stitching Sisters

Happy Wednesday!!!

This post is dedicated to all our Stitching Sisters (and Brothers ;) )!

I started this blog more than a year ago and the genuine kindness, caring and giving nature of our stitching sisters and brothers has been almost a daily fixture in my life as I read the many posts floating about the blogosphere. I've seen the gamut from our stitching community - people sharing in the celebrations of huge life moments to the little wins and the many happy dances we do when we finally finish THAT project - and I've seen the genuine concern and support that is offered when someone needs a little pick-me-up right down to those utterly tragic moments in life when you just need someone to tell you 'everything will be ok'. 

Not to be negative, but I think in today's world it's very easy to keep people at arms length and never truly get to experience humanity. There have been days where I've looked back and thought... what have I done for someone else? I guess the point here is, I think it is all too easy to be concerned solely with one's self. Now I'm not about to call out those that are concerned with themselves, because I think we'd be kidding ourselves to say 'I ALWAYS think of others!'. Heck, I know there are days where I really haven't done much of anything for others or I only think about how that person's actions are negatively affecting me.

For example, I was in the car this morning driving to work as per usual when this car cut me off and nearly drove me into the ditch. In that moment I was upset and a few curses escaped my lips as I regained control of the situation. I didn't once stop to think about if that guy had simply not seen me or something... I immediately thought about how reckless the person in that car is and how they were definitely out to get me. See! Allllll negative thoughts. And it managed to ruin my whole drive to work as I fumed for the entire 30mins in the car. NOT a good start to the morning I might add. The moment I started to feel better about the whole thing is when I started to think about the other driver and the different scenarios that could have lead to the near accident. It's about believing in the good in people rather than jumping to conclusions and thinking only about the negative. 

This positive way of thinking is what makes our stitching sisters and brothers so special! We have something truly amazing... a community, that despite not having that day-to-day physical presence - as in I can't walk up to you hand shake your hand or give you a hug - that still manages to be one of the most accepting, caring and supportive groups of people I have ever known. When I say that I am both astounded and inspired almost on a daily bases is an understatement. For me, stitching would not be the same if it weren't for you all.

On this note, I have recently been on the receiving end of a RAK from Annette at California Stitcher. A couple of posts ago I mentioned I had run out of floss for one of my WIPs which was close to a finish. I had lamented that I would likely have to wait sometime before purchasing the necessary floss due to shipping costs associated with online orders, which are my only source of all that stitching goodness ;) Well, that post wasn't up for long before Annette emailed me and offered to send me a spare skein she had in her stash!!! I excitedly sent her my mail info and yesterday I arrived home to this:

Despite only needing one skein of floss, Annette has RAK'd me an entire package! In it was a beautiful homemade card (amazing I might add!), the single skein of floss delicately wrapped, and a whole kit for doing up an amazing orni from one of my favourite designers LHN!!! The boyfriend even was astounded!!! The first words he said when I explained why I had received the package was "those stitching friends of yours are some of the best in the world aren't they?!" I'm serious, he said this!!!! He then proceeded to say, "They are just so giving! You rarely get that even from everyday friends these days. Oh and didn't you get something from one of your stitching friends when you were on EI?" (EI is basically is referring to when I lost my job a few months back.)

I realized then that I had been very tardy! I never posted about the kindness and support I received from Tammy from I Want to do One More Stitch when I was truly down in the dumps. I had been on EI (employment insurance) for a couple of months and had ZERO luck with finding a job... not to mention even getting an interview. It was horrible, I was having sleepless nights and I was worried. Out of the blue I received a card in the mail with L*K's Spring Snippet (which had been on my wishlist!).

Her words of support and encouragement came at the right moment for me. They inspired me to get back to blogging and stitching, both of which had fallen to the wayside for months. I even missed my 1 year blogoversary!!! I was then able to talk about my hardships and got advice and support from many of you stitchers. Your comments brightened my day and within a month of my return to stitching and blogging I had secured a job (WHICH I LOVE). 

These selfless acts are what I'm talking about!!! I am so privileged to be apart of such a unique, caring and loving group of people and I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!

Thank you for everything!



PS: Thinking I'm going to have to do something for my stitching sisters and brothers SOON! Watch this space over the next couple of days while I put something together ;)


  1. I totally agree with you! This is a very supportive and kind group!

  2. From coast to coast and across the seas kindness has a far reach. Blogging helped fill the empty nest spot for me. It has been a joy sharing with everyone. So glad that Tammy could lift you up and get your positive vibes going again. This is a great community to be a member of; I am proud to be a blogging stitcher. :) thank you for sharing and keep on stitching. What a beautiful post.

  3. Beautiful thoughts. HUGS Being as many of us are so distant from our online friends who share the same interests, it's nice to know that we can come on here and send out and receive virtual hugs through words and images. This way we do have a sense of human touch....albeit, at a distance. To be able to talk and laugh and cry and connect with so many, it is a wonder!

    I too, tonight, thought of reaching out and giving to someone so I went to the store and bought some yarn and a crochet hook to send my friend. To pass on a new found love and let her experience the comfort and relaxations that I have been allowed to enjoy.

    Peace and Blessing a plenty.

  4. That is so super sweet! And I totally agree, we are a community a group to support one another is so many ways.

  5. Such a lovely post and soo true!
    I wish I could reach out and hug some of my marvellous stitching friends at times, its wonderful to have such caring, friendly people in my life.

  6. So glad that things are improving for you. Those acts of kindness really can just make your day. Lovely gifts from Annette and Tammy.
    Hugs and best wishes!

  7. Beautiful post. Glad things are back to normal for you. Both little parcel were really nice. So kind to have thought of you :) Keep on blogging & stitching x

  8. Big hugs to you, Melissa. I know exactly what you're talking about - it's amazing what this stitching community is willing to do for one of its own, from religiously following each other's progress on projects to sending each other packages (despite the rising international shipping costs). We're so blessed to be part of it!

  9. Melissa, I couldn't have said it better myself. I whole heartedly agree with you! Our online stitching community is the best! I'm glad your days are brighter now. I enjoy our visits.

  10. Stitchers are the best! Love the gifts you received.

  11. What a wonderful blog post to read today, Melissa! Annette has sent me something before, too.

    Did you know you are a WINNER in the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe giveaway? I saw your name! Congratulations!

  12. aww this is o sweet...and it is truly a very kind group.
    big hugs x

  13. Such lovely gifts from Annette and Tammy. I share your sentiments about the blogging community too. Such wonderful people out there!! Hugs to you!

  14. Well said. I know I treasure each and everyone of you!

  15. I've had trouble with Blogger this morning so this is my third attempt so I should just keep it short and sweet - Lovely post! And wonderful kindness from both Annette and Tammy!

  16. Beautiful post Melissa! Thank you and I am just so happy to have lots of great sitching sisters. Anytime I have questions they are there to help. Very proud of our community too. Blogging has helped me embrace my passion of needleworks and getting to see everyones projects is a gift itself. And meeting wonderful people like you (even thru the computer) is priceless. Happy to have sent you some good cheer:))
    hugs and love Annette

  17. ho sweetie, I was just updating my blogs readings and the one before yours was Pumpkin...and I must confess your post made my eyes wet...
    all yor words are so right !
    I'm just like you, don't stitch in the way or for the same reasons since I enterred the blogosphere !
    and all the people met here really reassure me on the human nature !!!!!
    the RAK you received is very pretty and so 'freely' kind !
    your words warmed my heart tonight
    big big hugs

  18. Stitching bloggers truly are the best! I don't even have my own blog (ooh, I'm a stalker) but I have made some wonderful friendships with gals in this community.

  19. What wonderful gifts to receive.


  20. Beautiful words, Melissa! I think you've nudged me a step closer to starting my own blog - I lurk on beautiful blogs by stitching sisters and brothers, and I've done an occasional SAL but haven't yet jumped in with both feet. Your words and stitching have inspired me on more than one occasion and I am so happy you started blogging!

  21. Thank you for visiting my blog it has allowed me to pop to see yours! Some super stitching and lovely photos of Newfoundland. I have never been to Canada so perhaps I should, just that it has always conjured up cold to me.. but then some people think the UK is wet place to visit.. we live in the East where rain is so scarce in the summer our lawns go yellow and look like straw!
    Looked at your house and wow what a project to undertake, looks amazing already and love the dogs too!
    Blogging world is a great place to be, glad I found you.
    Chris x

  22. Wow, love this post Melissa. I have experienced so much encouragement from our crafting sisters and brothers too. Thanks for bringing back that great feeling
    Wow, that is one of my favorite designs too and have been eyeing it for a while now. So generous of Annette.

  23. I couldn't agree with you more, blog land is a friendly place.

  24. Fabulous post!! My boys think it's amazing that I have friends all over the world. I too have found so much kindness ~ and surprises always seem to pop around just when I need a boost.

  25. Yes! Yes! Yes! I couldn't agree more.

  26. What a wonderful post this is. The stitching world is such a caring community and I'm so happy that I can be a part of it.


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