
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My First Give-a-way!!!

Ciao tutti!!!

I can't say thank you enough for the support I received after posting last week. I was kinda feeling down in the dumps you could say - and all the support was simply inspiring! So thank you!!!

I really feel like doing something special for you all so I've decided to do a GIVE-A-WAY!!!! Yes you heard that right :) I've been toying with this idea for some time now so why not do it now?!

I'll send out a package of goodies to the lucky winner which will include some of my very own hand-dyed floss and this biscornu I stitched up not too long ago using Manka's Mystery SAL design... and a few other things to be revealed later! AND perhaps more than one winner just to make things interesting :)

The Rules are as follows:

(1) Be a follower of my blog.
(2) Create a link in your blog's side bar and/or post about my give-a-way.
(3) Comment on this post if you wish to be entered into this give-a-way indicating your email address (so I can notify you). 

It's as easy-peasy as that folks!

Give-a-way ends on JUNE 19, 2012

Good luck everyone!!!!



  1. Congrats for your first giveaway =D
    Am I the first to participate ? =)
    Your biscornu is so so so lovely !!
    I post your giveaway on my side bar
    Hugs from France

  2. I love how you finished the SAL...mine is still waiting for me to decide on what to do! Please do toss my name in for the drawing and it will be posted on my blog tomorrow morning!I am a follower...

  3. Ooooo - that is such a beautiful finish! Love it!
    I will post a link when i get home -
    And of course i am a follower ;)

  4. Gorgeous biscornu! Please do enter me. Posted about your giveaway at the sidebar of my blog. I've been a Follower for some time now. Really, really hope I win ^.^


  5. Glad to hear that things are better. What a lovely giveaway :)

  6. I love that Biscornu you did a fabulous job on it. please enter me in your giveaway. I will be posting your giveaway on my blog right away.
    Happy Stitching

  7. What a beautiful Biscornu, please enter me in your giveaway Melissa and thank you for sharing.Would love to see your own hand dyed floss.Happy to hear things are better now. Hugs.

  8. Such a beautiful Bisornu..love the colors! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway....posted a link on my sidebar :)

    Thanks, Melissa!

  9. What a gorgeous biscornu Melissa!! I would love to be entered into your giveaway! I am a follower & I have posted a link on my sidebar.
    My email is on my blogger profile :)

    Thanks so much for the chance!

  10. Melissa, I am just discovering your blog as a result of you visiting mine. Thanks for that. I would love to be entered into your drawing and will post something about it on my blog. I have also signed up as a follower.

    I look forward to making time soon to look further down your blog. Take care.


  11. yooo hooo found you through grace :) have just become a follower ... gorgeous biscornu .... would love to be entered if thats ok :)
    love mouse xxxx
    www.talesofastitchingmouse.blogspot.com .... my email is on there too :)

  12. I love your Biscornu, Thanks for the chance I would love to be entered. I will post on my blog
    lanybleu at gmail.com

  13. hi Melissa!
    what a lovely giveaway! I'll write about it todays' post and, of course, I'm follower..! ;D
    my gift-away ends tonight at midnight, in case you want to join..!
    happy xxx,
    chiara - http://thegreytail.wordpress.com/

  14. Love the biscornu. I would love to be included in it, sounds interesting :)
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and also becoming a follower and the lovely comments :)

  15. What a pretty piece! I have yet to try the biscornu finish! Thanks for the chance! As soon as I do another post, I'll add your giveaway to my sidebar.

  16. I would love a chance at your giveaway. The biscornu is very beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity, Melissa. I will post to my blog and of course I am a follower.

  17. I am a follower of your blog and I just love reading it! Please enter me into your drawing!


    Off to post on my blog!

  18. Melissa, I just signed up to follow your blog and am your 100th follower!! :) Love your biscornu and would love to enter your giveaway! I'll link to your giveaway post in my next blog post on my main blog at www.stampwithjen.com. Thanks and fingers crossed! Jen

  19. Hi Melissa, please count me into your giveaway. I am follower 101. Your biscornu is really lovely. I have posted about your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog, http://kittenstitching.blogspot.com

    I am so glad to have found your blog.

    hugs, Kaye xooxx

  20. Hi again Melissa, forgot to give you my email address:


    hugs, Kaye

  21. Hi Melissa,
    Thanks for your generosity, that is a lovely biscornu. I would love to be entered in your giveaway please.
    Here is my blog post: http://pointscroises.blogspot.ie/2012/05/giveaway_31.html
    and my email is maudleal@gmail.com

  22. I'm so, so glad you posted a reminder on your other entry! I'm having issues with Google reader skipping random posts sometimes and sure enough, when I traveled back in time, there it was! Rar!

    *ahem* Me, me, enter me! Your biscornu is gorgeous and hand-dyed floss sounds so luxurious~ I've typed up the post, but it has to wait until tomorrow to be edited on RealInternet 'cause the phone won't allow links!

    1. Oh, oh it let me link it! I'll master this thing yet! :D. Also, my email address is linked through Blogger.

    2. Hey rosey :) No worries if it doesn't work ok :) Technology can be finicky at times hey? Have a good weekend!

  23. I am your new follower :) please include me yanahanim@ymail.com thanks a lot :)

  24. hi Melissa, what a gorgeous Biscornu, I would love to be entered into your giveaway draw, I would love to give such a beautiful piece a good home :)
    thank you for the chance to win x

    I'm a follower and post your giveaway on my blogs sidebar

  25. Melissa: What beautiful colors on your Biscornu, please enter me in your givaway.

  26. Yay for your first giveaway!! They get addicting just so you know :D I would love to be entered in my giveaway! Your biscornu is gorgeous! You should enter mine too :D



  27. What a lovely piece, please enter me in your giveaway!

  28. I'm in love with the "bukovinai rózsás" (the Mystery SAL) so definately I'd love to be entered, and I'll follow of course.
    I put a link on my blogs sidebar.
    Thank you for the opportunity!
    Greetings from Hungary, Zora (divariamento@gmail.com)

  29. Congratulations of your first giveaway. Just love your biscournu, such wonderful colours. Please enter me in your giveaway. I have posted your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog.

    Happy Stitching
    Mary Joan

  30. Congrats on your first giveaway - i'm now a follower - I'm glad i found your blog and look forward to reading future updates. My blog is: http://graspthestars1.blogspot.com/ please enter me into your giveaway - thanks!

  31. I am a new follower and love your biscornu. Please sign me up for your giveaway.
    kiddlady at yahoo dot com

  32. What a really great giveaway, I'd love the chance to enter. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.

  33. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.


  34. Thanks for the reminder post, thought I had posted the other day, guess I was just in reading mode. Please include me in your giveaway. Lovely work.

  35. Congratulations on your first giveaway! I'm having my first giveaway too. I am a follower, and I posted a link on my sidebar. My email is mckmuff@gmail.com.


  36. Hi Melissa, I just became a follower of your blog thanks to Cindy of Home of a Floss Junkie. I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Your biscornu is just awesomely beautiful!!! I also added your giveaway to the side bar of my blog. By the way I am Nancy. nrubendall@gmail.com http://alilbitofstitching.blogspot.com

  37. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

    Thank you, Linda


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