Friday, May 25, 2012


Hello again everyone!!!

I'm going to take a bit of divergence from my usual cross stitch nattering. I need some support more than anything. 

While I'm blessed to have a job at the moment, I have been for the past year searching for something else. Something that is gratifying and something that inspires me. I have spurts of those moments where I'm at right now but... well lets just say it's just not fast paced enough. Add this too the fact that I'm on 3month contracts, with the fear of not being extended whenever the deadline approaches. Now the time is starting to creep upon me once more where I feel like I'm in a perpetual state of limbo, never knowing if I'm going to be here one day and gone the next. So I've been looking... but there's hardly anything showing up on the job boards that reflects the skills I have! I've just applied to my first job in over 6 months!!! That's how sparse the job market in my given field is. I'm feeling hugely insecure about it all at the moment... and part of me is dreading the day when I can't find a job before my contract ends.

Am I hopeless no... but as a new entrant into the labour force I never imagined it being this hard to find a secure(ish) job!!! I have the education, I have experience, I have the charisma, WHAT MORE CAN THEY WANT????? Yet no call backs, no interviews....

Hopefully I'll have good news soon to share... SOMETHING HAS GOT TO GIVE!




  1. Hard to give you any advise from Europe. Part of finding the right job is about right place at the right time. Sometimes there just isn't a job in the field you want, in which case you need to make a decision. These kind of decisions often go with the financial urge to go to work. If there is no urgent financial problem, you can wait longer. Isn't there an organization who can help or give you an advise into the things? But, sending you lots of good thoughts from overseas.

  2. Hang in there. It's hard to keep your spirits up while you have this worry on your mind, but things do work out in the end (my mother's favourite saying!). Keep in mind exactly what you said in your blog - you have the education, experience and charisma - somthing will come along. Sending good thoughts your way!


  3. Sending good thoughts for your search.

  4. I'll be sending good luck your way!!

  5. Sending good luck to you on the job you said you have all you need to make it happen and I know it will!

  6. It's bad everywhere in Canada. I hope things turn around for you soon!!

  7. Wish I had some wisdom to share with you in this, but the best I can do is send best wishes. I don't envy anyone having to look for a job in this economy.

  8. Its tough isnt it, hopefully things will turn around for you when you least expect it.

  9. Aw Melissa, I'm so sorry! Boyfriend had been looking for a job for a year, it's so hard out there right now. He didn't get ANY calls for MONTHS (searching since July, he got his first call in MARCH). Then he didn't end up getting the job. But he persevered and in May found something. Remember, chin up because all it takes is one call. HUGS


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