
Monday, October 28, 2013

Feelin' Lucky? (It's Giveaway Time!)

Happy Monday everyone!!! 

Well I've had quite the bit of luck lately both in  life and here in our stitchy world.

Thanksgiving may have passed but I am so grateful for so many aspects in my life.

I've also been privileged to win not 1... not 2... but 3 stitchy giveaways recently (see I told you I've been lucky!). 

First I won an amazing giveaway over at The Snowflower Diaries! Thanks so much Maja!

I also have to thank Regina at Oubliette  for hosting one of the most informative giveaways ever ;) Basically, all the entrants had to respond to following questions:

  1. How many blogs do you read regularly?
  2. How much time do you spend reading blogs each day?
  3. What sort of  content attracts you to the blogs you do read?  For example:  photos, musings about the needle arts, the style or personality of the blogger, humour, etc.
  4. Do you enjoy message boards devoted to stitching?  If yes, which ones do you read?
  5. Do you use Facebook and Twitter to keep in touch with cyber friends who share your love of the needle arts?
  6. Do you belong to a stitching group that meets in real space and in real time and promotes person-to-person sharing?
Now just stop and think about what your answers would be! Really makes you think doesn't it. I loved seeing all the answers and was amazed when I was picked as the winner for a 123stitch giftcard!!! Awesome! Thanks so much Regina :)

Last but not least I have big thank you for Nancy at the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe! Where I won some fabulous hand dyed floss :) I know I know... I've already told you about this but seeing as it's a recap of these amazing givers I figured I'd include everyone :)

Annnnddd now it's your turn!!!! It's time for me to pass it on right?!

We'll have two lucky winners this time round! 

Prize 1:     $10(US) Giftcard for 123stitch.com

Prize 2:     A stitched pincushion by yours truly :)  

All names will be entered to win either prize, so no need to make a distinction on which one you would want. The first name I draw will be the winner of the Giftcard and the second will win the pincushion.

Now for the rules!

1. Comment only on this post if you wish to enter.
2. Leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger (I've had a hard time tracking down people in the past).
3. Past it on! Make sure you post/link my giveaway on your blog please :)

Giveaway ends on November 15, 2013

I'll draw the winner on November 16. 

1...2...3... GO!

Until next time dearies!



  1. Ooo you lucky duck!! Great prizes you won to.
    I would love to enter your giveaway, my email is in my profile.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. What lovely prizes you won! Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway, please add my name. I'll mention your giveaway when I update my blog. Thanks again!

  3. Lucky Lady!!
    please include me in the give-away

  4. Congrats on your wins! That's fantastic. I'd love to be included in your giveaway :D

  5. You sure are lucky! And what nice things you won. Thanks for passing it on. diana.h@comcast.net

  6. What lovely gifts you received! Thanks for paying forward and please include me

  7. Wow what great gifts you received - early Christmas presents :)

    Please count me in for your giveaway: lesleyannasmith@gmail.com

  8. You have been lucky! Very sweet of you to give a little back too :)

    I would love to be included please, both prizes sound wonderful!

    I have added a link to my Giveaway section, and my email is in my profile.

    Good luck everyone! x

  9. Lucky indeed!! Very nice stash wins! I would love to be entered! Thanks, Michelle

  10. What a lucky girl you are!
    I would love to have a chance in your giveaway....thank you!

  11. Congrats on your recent wins!
    Please include me in your giveaway and I'll go right now and put it on the sidebar of my blog!

  12. Great wins Melissa! Please enter me in your giveaway contest and thanks for the opportunity!

  13. Congrats on all your winnings. Very lovely goodies. I know you will put them to good use:) I would love to be included in your giveaway.
    How fun! love Annette

  14. What wonderful winnings! So nice to get packages in the mail. So generous to give back too.

  15. Congratulations on all your wins! I would like to be entered in your giveaway, but I don't have a blog to pass the word along so I'm not sure if I qualify. Either way it's so mice of you to pay it forward!

  16. Wow, what awesome giveaways! You're a lucky girl. :)

    Thanks for hosting one of your own. Could you throw my name in the hat? I'll post about it on my next blog post.

  17. Lucky, lucky you!! what beautiful prizes! Please throw my name in the hat for your wonderful give-a-way!!
    Thank you

  18. wow wow wow =)
    it's Xmas before Xmas here =)
    so great goodies you won, lucky you
    congrats =)
    really love what Maja sent you, the colours are so lovely
    I'd love to have my name in the hat for your giveaway =)
    this is so exciting
    thank you for the chance
    big hugs

  19. Congrats on all of your goodies!! You are on a lucky streak ~ and how sweet to pass on a chance to feel lucky!

  20. Yay on your wins. Please count me in. You might like to enter my giveaway too :)

  21. You are lucky lady Melissa. The snowflower win is amazing. Don't you just love Nina's threads?! I have 1 floss and I think I need more!! I like the questions that were asked too. You should post the answers so we can know! Anywho, I would love to enter your giveaway!! I'll add it to my sidebar alright?!!


  22. I have won something too, and will post (hopefully) this weekend! But I would love to win something stitched by YOU, so please enter me! Hugs!

  23. Congratulations! What lovely pig essays you won :)
    Would love to enter your giveaway. I will do blog post today to pass on your lovely giveaway and come back later to let you know when it's done :)

  24. Melissa, sorry I didn't get to post your link until today - it is now on my side bar :o)

    Fireflies & Cats in the Garden

  25. Wow...you've been very lucky! I would love a chance in your giveaway. I will post about it tomorrow on my blog. Thanks!

  26. Usually I'm nit very lucky with give-a-aways but there is always a chance.


  27. I found your blog from Meari's blog. You have received some nice gifts. Please enter me in your giveaway. I am also following your blog.



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