
Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Happy DANCE

Happy Friday Folks!

Are those empty hoops I spy????

It's a doubly happy Friday for me because I have finished the stitching on my Friendship Tribute Sampler!!!! YEYEYEYEYEYEYEY.

I tried desperately to get it done on Thursday evening but it wasn't meant to be, so I picked it up when I got home today and got it done! I've been so close to finishing that I haven't wanted to put up any photos until the big day. So here it is in all it's glory:

Friendship Tribute Sampler
Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe
Stitched on 18ct Oatmeal Aida

I was sooooo worried I wouldn't have enough hand dyed floss. While I normally would discard a piece of floss if it was feeling short, this time I was so paranoid that I'd stitch until I could hardly make another 'X' with the floss. Conserving BIG TIME. So much so I really didn't have many ORTs left over. If you looked at my TUSAL jar you wouldn't say I'd done any stitching really. I started with just 4 strands of brown floss, 1 20M skein of spun gold floss, 2 20M skeins of green floss and 2 20M skeins of barn red floss. And this is what's left... I was certainly cutting it close with the gold floss I think...

My Dad knows how to make frames so I'm going to get him to show me how this weekend. I can't wait!!! That way I get to stain the frame to my liking and don't have to worry about paying a fortune for framing. I know I spend a lot of time and money putting together a stitched piece but it just about kills me when I have to get it framed. Honestly, the materials cost no more than $40 and it feels like I'm being gouged when I have to pay in upwards of $150+... maybe I'm just cheap...

Now onto an exchange piece I have planned while I wait for the Lizzie Kate Mystery Halloween Sampler to get to me... it was sent yesterday so T minus 2 weeks until it reaches my mail box I'd say. SOOOOOOOooooo looking forward to it.

And before I go I have a couple of puppy pictures to show. Blue's over to visit for the next couple of days while his owners are out of town. Naturally the first thing he does is heads for the bowl! haha. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend my lovelies and Happy Stitching!



  1. Beautiful finish Melissa, the colours are lovley.
    Gorgeous doggies too!
    Happy weekend.

  2. What a beautiful work! Framed it will be even more beautiful. Dear Melissa, you are a wizard with your hands!

  3. What a beautiful finish!! The colors are so pretty!

  4. Love, love your Friendship Sampler, great job missy!! I'd say you cut it close, but you made it.

    Blue is looking a little blue in that last post, missing his peeps already??

  5. Congrats on the lovely friendship sampler!
    I agree about the cost of framing-it feels like price gouging. I found a beautiful HUGE frame today at a garage sale for $5 and my DH will frame a really big project for me. Hope to post about it next week :)

  6. Congratulations on finishing this beautiful sampler.
    It's gorgeous and I love the sentiments.

  7. Friendship Sampler is just stunning! Congratulations on such great finish!

    Dogs seem very happy to be together again :))

  8. lovely! and making your own frame is such a good idea... I wish I could do that too!

  9. Congratulations on a wonderful finish! It is really beautiful.
    I can't wait to see your framing.
    Hugs to you and the pups!

  10. Beautiful finish. That will be great, making the frame with your Dad.

  11. Big happy dance for you Melissa!! I love this design and it looks perfect! As for the bit about stitching till you can't make a cross...that's how I always stitch!

  12. It looks absolutely lovely! Great job Melissa.

  13. Wow, what a finish. Congratulations. I hope you are having fun with the framing lessons.

  14. What a lovely finish, bravo!
    And such a beautiful dog ...

    Have a nice day!
    Bye, Carolien

  15. Beautiful finish!! Love the colors!
    How lucky Blu is to be able to stay with you!

  16. Congratulations on a truly lovely finish, Melissa! I'm with you on the cost of framing (maybe that's why I seem to only stitch and finish small ornament-sized pieces??)... You're lucky to have you dad make your frames!

  17. Wow that is just lovely Melissa. Glad you stopped by my blog. I returned the favor and added you so I can keep up your stitching.

  18. Woot! Congratulations on such a pretty sampler finish. Can't wait to see the frame you make for it.


  19. Congrats on your finish!! It's so pretty. :) Looking forward to seeing it framed up.

  20. Beautiful finish Melissa. I guess in India we are blessed that the cost of getting our pictures framed is relatively lesser than in any other part of the world


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